1. Pre:visit

We stream every Sunday morning sermon live on Youtube so that you can get a preview of what a part of our services are like, who our pastors are, and how we teach the Word verse-by-verse through books of the Bible.

Visiting in-person? Here is a picture tutorial on how to get to our youth rooms on the church campus.


2. Visit

We hold our services in our Youth rooms which are located upstairs accessed easiest through the south entrance.

Sunday mornings High School & Jr. High are combined in the Youth Room, and on Wednesday evenings they are separated in their own rooms. (Sundays 9am/11am & Wednesdays 7pm)


3. Meet our leadership

It is so important that the student and their parent(s)/guardian(s) meet our pastors and leaders responsible for the student’s age group. We have found this is one of the most crucial steps for students to successfully plug into the ministry and receive necessary care.


4. Step out

Every month we try to put on activities and events that are really opportunities to either serve God & people or to connect with each other. Take these opportunities!

  • Come out to our events/get-togethers

    • Serving opportunities

    • Sport pick up games

    • Outdoor gatherings