The privilege of prayer

The privilege of prayer

One of the things I know we all probably can do more of is pray for our children, I know I can. Now don’t get me wrong, my wife and I pray for our children, but we can always pray more. Prayer is one of God’s most mysterious and amazing gifts to us. It’s our lifeline to heaven, our means to the most holy relationship - our relationship with God. Prayer is a privilege, and praying for our kids is one of the greatest privileges we have as parents. There is power in prayer that cannot be fully explained, yet it can never be denied.

James 5:16

says, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”

Now God does not always answer our prayers quickly or easily – but He always answers. Encouraging your family to pray is always the right choice in the good, bad, and hard times, in anxiety or times of great joy. So if there is any gift from our heavenly Father that is worth passing on to our children, it is – THE PRIVILEGE OF PRAYER. So I say, “Lord, help me to pray more for my children.” Will you join me in that prayer?

Pastor Darrell Chambers

Assistant Youth Pastor


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